For example, if you want to try bondage, try something light and playful such as holding hands above his/her head during foreplay. This way, you can see how you react before actually whipping out the pink furry handcuffs. If all goes well, then proceed with handcuffs. Likewise wifey, if you’re looking for him to stimulate you somewhere else, for example, place his fingers there and gauge his reaction before introducing a sex toy that might make him feel uncomfortable. The point here is to show him that the toy is all about your pleasure and not there to make up for his shortcomings. Once he sees that he will turn you on even more with the toy, how can he resist?
Remember that intimacy is the goal. Only you know what works in your relationship and by communicating honestly, you are building the foundation for a healthy relationship in the future. It is entirely up to you to decide whether that means with or without sex toys, but a little experimenting never hurt anyone.